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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Shane! Checkers (now Floppy) had the most wonderful bday! He’s the best boy and we’re so lucky to have him. Floppers is very happy, super energetic, and loves treats and cuddles. Here are some pics and videos of him that you can share with the breeder. Thank you!

Hello Eddie,I'm writing to let you know Anton is doing FANTASTIC!! I have had him for a week now and i'm truly amazed how intelligent/obedient he is. He already knows "come", "sit", "down", "heel" and "shake". He enjoys training a lot but it is also very challenging since Anton is very stubborn, you can't make him do something if he...

Dear Eddie,Here are a couple of pictures, just to get started... Miyah is adapting well and is very happy and playful. She goes up the stairs with no problems at all and needs a little help and encouragement to wiggle down the stairs. :o) She loves her pet bed. She's still a little curious about the cat and the cat...

Hi Eddie, Montanna (now called Bonnie). We are from Scotland and scottish for beautiful is the word "bonnie") is here and we are absolutely DELIGHTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is incredibly beautiful and has settled in perfectly. Our daughter's (Samantha) face when she saw her on Friday, was one of my favorite moments ever. Samantha actually cried with happiness - she has never...

Christos Christou

New York, United States

Minna Tamminen

Helsinki, Finland

Suzy Evans

Reichenbach Steegen, Germany

Steve & Sandra Ross

Doha, Qatar