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Dear Eddie and all the wonderful Euro Puppy Team:We are really thankful with you guys, as you can see in the pictures our CHOCO is now happy with our family and we are just in love with him. We are really sure we did the right choice getting the dog from you, he's healthy, smart,, gorgeous, just the perfect dog...

Hello Eddie,Sorry take so long sending this pics.This pics are taken a few days after he arrived i take also some new pics but they are in my friend camera and he don't have possibility send them yet..We was in dog park Thursday and we saw few "dog friends" there. He is so calm in home but he have this...

Hi Eddie I guess no news is good news. Yes Europe has arrived safely,and we just love her.She had her vet check-up today and she has a clean bill of health.As far as I can tell I'm supposed to report this to you. I guess that is all for now.I will talk to you when I get the paperwork on...

Eddie,Greetings from India. Its been just over 45 days since I received the Havanese puppy and I wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know that the puppy is doing really well(attached are his recent pictures). We are very happy with him and hence, have named him "Happy". Thank you for all the support provided during the...

Monica & Andreas Kroiss

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Marno Hytonen

Nummela, Finland

Joe Heaps

Carmen, United States

Sarvotham Ramreddy

Bangalore, India