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Comentarios de Clientes

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Well I finally got down to The Bahamas to see Gold myself and we've been having a grand time. Lol she loves to bite the sleeve now if she'd just let go -chuckles-Here are some pictures of Gold and IWe may try and teach her some tracking once we get everything else tacked down properly.Has she ever done anything along...

Eddie,I just wanted to let you know we received both of them and they are still exploring and very excited.Our children were out of their skins with happiness. Oracle is a real little busy body and Halle Berry is very lovable and loves to cuddle.Thank you once again for all your assistance.I'll send some pictures soon.Eunice

Good morning Steve, Hope you are well. Sorry meant to send an email earlier but our new guest has kept us busy throughout. He arrived safely on 31st early morning and we took him to the vet on 1st Aug. he is perfectly healthy. He is settled well by now but refuses to sleep away from us. He has shown...

Hi Lasheika! Oasis and Ceres are doing very well.. Thank you very much for an excellent service.. They both arrived safe and sound!!😊 Currently they’re enjoying the company of our collies..😊

Amy Swaby

Nassau, Bahamas

Eunice C. Ferreira

Geneva, Switzerland

Ashwita Jasmine D’mello

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Diane Avecilla

Taguig City, Philippines