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Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Relaxing in her new home and sleeping on our bed / sofa :))) We love him!

Dear Eddie, Steve I would like to THANK all three of you for making ATTALA’s (now DEXTER) journey so pleasant and so happy! Dexter arrived safely on the 19th , and thanks so GLOBAL PAWS efficiency and professional service he was looked after by them until we got him on the 24th December. What a wonderful Xmas present! THANKYOU GLOBAL...

Hello Eddie, I'll attach a few images for you to pass along to the breeder. I'll also post a few recent images of the new puppy, which we've named Milo. Thanks a ton! Carlo San Francisco

Dear All Hope you are all well and had a great weekend. We finally can send you some qt pictures of our little Lilly (Hungarian Vizsla)! She arrived last week Sat and it was all systems go... she is a little busy body but a real joy! She looks like a little bokkie (a little buck for my English friends)....

John Anthony Maw

Doha, Qatar

Helena De Nobrega

Roodepoort, South Africa

Carlo Mora & Andrew Jason Santiag

San Francisco, United States

Leandra Meintjes

Dubai, United Arab Emirates