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Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hello Eddie, Just want to forward some photos of Sniper; please forward them to the breeder. Sniper is a wonderful dog, he has a good heart and is very intelligent. He weights 120 lbs. & is 24 inches at the withers; although he's a big dog, he's graceful and thinks he's a puppy. He is a wonderful companion. Rebecca Christensen

Hello Eddie, Just wanted to let you know, Hachi arrived this morning and he looks confident and full of spirit. For now he only responds to treats, but I must say he's extremely smart. I will be in contact with you when I visit the vet. Regards, Bader

Eddie, some updated photos of Marko, He has fitted into our family wonderfully and we are loving having him around. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all at Euro Puppy, and thank you! regards The Monds of Qatar Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Doha, Qatar

Hi Eddie,Forgot to report back from the vets on Clifford, all good, he is a great dog and has quickly picked up Sadler's good habits. I'll take some snaps and send you a note at the weekend.Cheers, RobHere you go Eddie, a picture of Sadler (we've kept the name) with my two boys. As you can see he has settled...

Hans Christensen

Dallas, United States

Bader Al-sanea

Kuwait, Kuwait

Judy Mond

Doha, Qatar

Robert Atkinson

Dubai, United Arab Emirates