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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Eddie, E.t.Harvey - Harvey now,ha grown quite big now.He arrived at the airport safely. We were very happy to receive him. Right now...... he is doing just fine. He is a very active dog. He plays,runs and jumps around the house and he looks really cute. He is like an entertainment channel to us & he keeps making us...

Dear Shane, Thank you for reminding us of Winston's 3rd Birthday today - coinciding with Fathers' Day. Please see below a few shots taken in the last couple of days. Winston is our joy and has accompanied our daughter Maya (now 16) through recent and persistent Covid-lockdowns, keeping her happy & sane. Winston has a strong personality and demands a...

Hey Eddie, The drive was pretty long, but a nice trip, it was well worth it. It took a bit just to meet up with Paul we were all over the place, lol. Bumper is an awesome pup he just follows me all over the place. Haha, yeah I think I am pretty lightweight lol. Again thanks for an awesome...

Hello Eddie, the dogs are fine. They are getting bigger every day! They love playing in the snow and they follow us everywere :) I have send some pictures but i will make some more soon. Kind regards Jenny

Blaise & Ivan Gerald Dsouza

Doha, Qatar

Tissa Aluwihare

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Jeffrey Almosara

Sarone, Italy

Heike Nixdorf & Mario Karner (Jenny)

Klagenfurt, Austria