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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Steve! Felix is so cute and all family like him. It's a good and joyful boy. I will send you some pictures. Thank you for everything.

Thank you for this lovely email!! Isla is the best puppy ever, she is very smart, funny and loving. She is also adorable and people are always genuinely interested in the breed. We adore her. I attach some photos. Best regards, Klaudia and Dariush

Hi Eddie:I hope everything is Ok with you.Farao is doing good. I am trying to house break him. He already learned to potty on top of newspapers. But I want to teach him to potty outside now that the weather is good. I attached two pictures of him.Best regards,Alberto

Dear Zoltan,We hope you enjoy our special story about two Euro-Puppy bernese mountain dogs:That's right! When you view the photos, you are NOT seeing double...Stanley's REAL brother has joined our family. Now there are over 200 pounds of canine fur living at our house...YIKES! If you think you are surprised, our heads our still spinning! Through an amazing twist of...

Kyoko Schmid

Cointrin, Switzerland

Klaudia Pszczolińska

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Angel Alberto Miliani

Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia

Tim & Jennifer Torigian

Boston, United States