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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Eddie! Spock is fantastic! We took him to the vet on Saturday and everything is great. You can take a look at the picture and see how he is all grown up! :) And no stairs! Regards, Sandra Budapest, Hungary

Hello Eddie,Thanks very much for this beautiful blue-pied female. She is so lovely, I send you Pictures of her.Thanks Yvonne

Steve, Eddie, Just to inform you that Nugget has arrived safely yesterday evening. She is at home now and doing great. Some pics from Nugget in Bahrain. She is doing great. Feels at home already. Thanks for your good care and arrangement.

Hi Sandor,just thought I’d send along a couple of pictures of Nahka and Athos. They are both doing wonderfully. Athos just turned 1 year last month and Nahka is now 1 yr & 8 months. How time just flies by.I must tell you that the French Bulldog breed is an amazing breed of dog. We have so many laughs with...

Pedro Campos & Sandra Dias

Budapest, Hungary

Yvonne Betz

Ludwigsburg, Germany

Leo Van Beveren

Manama, Bahrain

Amy & Dana

Newtonville, United States