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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hello Sandor, Here are three males I bought from you all almost 1 year old. One is almost finished his AKC Championship. Thanks, Belinda

Hi Sandor,Windsor has arrived safely. What a wonderful pup! It does not seem like the plane trip has effected him at all. He is very playful, and I am definitely going to wear him out this evening. I have already been showing him off, and receiving plenty of compliments. I can not get over the size of his paws. I...

Dear Eddie, Please find attached a Photo of Theo taken today. Please tell the breeder that we are very happy with Theo. Kind Regards, Fabien, Doha, Qatar

Hi Shane, So good to hear from you. And AMAZING how you remember today is his 1st Birthday! He is going to have Steak tonight with a candle to blow out. Funny enough, I was going to message you guys today, as I wanted to share with you all at Euro Pup and Otis (First Mama/Papa – breeder/trainer) pictures. And am...

Belinda Atherton

Ft. Worth, United States

Phillip Thompson

The Colony, United States

Fabien Toscano

Doha, Qatar


Hong kong, Hong Kong