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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi EddieWe've had MacGyver (Liam) for a couple of months now and we could not be happier. He's the best dog in the world and we could not have asked for anything more. He is the perfect companion and everyone loves him when we take him out. We just wanted to thank you for helping us with everything.Thanks,Danielle

Zippy is GREAT! We're having a lot of fun with him. He is the best thing that happen to us. You can find some recent pictures of him. Thank you so much for this wonderful puppy! I will recommend Euro Puppy to everyone with great pleasure! Best regards, Maja Peković, Fürth, Germany

Dear Lasheika, Please find attached some pictures and videos for both Berg and Yadora, Thank you,

Eddie,She arrived safe and sound ! What a beauty ! Breeder did a wonderful job with her Eddie. She is trusting, confident, initiates play, very smart and eager to please. She stands her ground with the other lads too !Arrived home an hr ago ( evening Boston traffic is murder ) but wanted to let you know the little girl...

Danielle Chappas

Anaheim, United States

Maja Pekovic

Fürth, Germany

Sulaiman Almudayan

Kuwait City, Kuwait

Jean Crosby

Boston, United States