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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Eddy, I thought you might like to see Falk now he is 9 months old. Here’s a picture. Kind regards Norman

Hi Eddie, Here are some pic's of Jackson & Benson. They are so happy here, I will send you more as they grow. Respectfully, Sammie

Hi Eddie, I just wanted to share an awesome picture of KONG and my daughter. He sure is the man of the house! I hope you like it. Sincerely, Tina Crowley

Dear Steve, Just to give you an update. Bella (Gamma) has settled in very well and she is such a lovely dog. The whole family enjoys having her around and she even became friends with our cat. This morning we took her to the beach. I will attach a photo of her. Regards, Annette

James & Kantika

Bangkok, Thailand


Calgary, Canada

Tina Crowley

Philadelphia, United States

Annette Carstanjen

Dubai, United Arab Emirates