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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hello Eddie, I would like to inform you that Tank is doing great, he is growing up so fast and is a bundle of joy. Attached is a picture of our big boy! Regards, Ehab

Hi Shane, Bailey says Thank You and is enjoying his Birthday. He is celebrating with a long walk and a special dog Birthday Biscuit. Seen in the picture below. He is a wonderful dog, extremely friendly and very calm. Although also can get very excited when it’s time for one of his favourite Chicken Chews. There are also a few...

Hi La Sheika, Bia is a wonderful companion. We could not be happier with her. Thanks for all the efforts from you and the team, we really appreciate the quality of your work. Bia is still growing, her hair is showing more defined dreads, that look just super cute. Here are more pics from recent times, all we do is...

His name called Heal now and he is a healthy and happy frenchie. I think he looks more strong and playful comparing with other frenchie at my country. Think the he has a really good parents and breeder. They both did some really good job. Also thanks for having this breeder at Europuppy as well:) Attached are some of his...

Ehab Mashat

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Allschwil , Switzerland

Nashwa Mohammad

Hamburg, Germany


Hong Kong, Hong Kong