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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Dear Eddie and Tibor, Adorable Wikki Tkki now Kiwi, arrived safely here in Dubai. She's doing very well and enjoys the company of LV ( our 1yr. old Westie ).Thank you so much for making the travel well organized.. Kind Regards, Allan & Lenie Dubai, UAE

Eddie He's finally home! Taking him to the vet soon Muneera

Can’t believe he is 6 already! He has so much energy and is obsessed with any kind of balls. He is by far the most athletic bulldog I have ever had.

Hi Mario:My husband and I purchased a male Rottweiler puppy from you in October of 2006. We just wanted to share with you how he has grown and what he looks like today, a year and a half old.Troy is a very happy, healthy, gorgeous Rottie. Everywhere we go, people always stop us and comment on how beautiful he is...

Allan & Lenie Geisshirt

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Muneera Alkhalifa

Manama, Bahrain

Jordan Strickland

Ponce Inlet, United States

Mike & Linda Bordy

Redwood City, United States