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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Dear Eddie,me and my family want to thank you and your team for our wonderful puppy, Elvis.As you can see by the pictures, we are so happy and proud to have him! We trully love him! Thank you for all your help and congratulations for the extraordinary service you provide.We have already been to the VET and he is a...

Hi Eddie,I am so delighted to have Tabasco the French Bulldog that I purchased from you last year in Nov, now named Max as he is 1 year and three weeks old. He is just beautiful, a treat to be with. Thank you again for the wonderful transaction and a truly wonderful dog. Attached is a photo of him. Thanks...

Hi Eddie,Hope all is well!Just wanted to let you know that Cookie (Yothi) is doing great with us! He adjusted very quickly, and is now part of our family. He is very active and has the funniest bark ever! We took him to the vet yesterday and they told us that he is very healthy, and in excellent shape!He plays...

Dear Shane, Thank you for the birthday wishes for Oswald. Here are a few recent pics of him. The one with his bow tie was taken this morning. He is doing great and loves living with 2 other dogs and a cat. All the best, Erika and Curt Clements

Sonia & Kurt Gillig

Porches, Portugal

Clare Ohland

Bayville, United States

Khalid Omar Almanzalawi

Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Erika Clements

Dubai, United Arab Emirates