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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Mario,Just wanted to touch base since we bought our female. She loves her new home in Ventura CALIF. We named her Ginger. Dexter (our male) was very excited to have a play mate and they still to this day sleep together and play around the yard. They each have their own bed but she likes to crowd his like she...

Hi Eddie I hope all is well with you! Just to let you know that Hobo (now Roxy) is settling in very well with us all! Have started some obedience training with her and the trainer is very impressed already. She is a great dog with a lovely temperament and is getting lots of attention when we are out walking!...

Hi! He has been great! We are really happy with how he has developed. He was really shy for the first few months. Very protective (or scared) of new people entering the home. Now, he is so playful! He will take his ball to friends who visit our home, sit and wait for them to throw the ball for him...

Dear Shane, Thank you. It was a pleasant surprise to get your message wishing our dog a happy birthday. We celebrated his birthday and bought him an entire fresh steak for him to eat. He was happy not to eat his regular dry food. I am sending you eight photos to share with the breeders too. We are so grateful...

Sally & Mark Ramos

Ventura, United States

John & Sarra Currie

Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Hong Kong, Hong Kong


Jerusalem , Israel