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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Eddie, Tibor, Just want to confirm Stargazer arrived smoothly yesterday, and seems to be starting to adapt well very quickly! Cheers, Matt, Valletta, Malta

Thank you so much for bringing this joy to us. We decided to call her Whiskey 😀 finally. And we must say she is a bundle of joy . We enjoy each and every single moment with her. She is an adorable cutie pie with full of life. Attached here are some images of hers and surely will send you...

Hi Eddie,Here are a few pictures of Cooper "Hunor" Isaacson. He is a great dog and a quick learner. Like Eric mentioned earlier, he has been potty trained for several weeks. He has learned to sit by the back door when he wants to go out and to wake us up at night when he has to go also. He...

I couldn’t be happier with Léon. He is an amazing dog - and has been my perfect companion since day one. He was very shaken from the long journey from Hungary to the UK. But within 5 minutes of him arriving at my house, he had made himself at home and immediately felt at ease. He has the perfect temperament...

Matt Chauvel

Valletta, Malta

Jofil Thekkekara

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Wendy & Eric Isaacson

Frankfurt, Germany

Andrew Harris

London, United Kingdom