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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hello Eddie,We bought a male French Mastiff from you in Dec 07. He is so wonderful! His temperament is so calm. He is great with people and other dogs. We love him and his breed so much we have decided to search for a female now..I have attached photos of Dexter.Sally Ramos

Hi Eddie,Well finally I get to write, sorry but between some guests we had overthe weekend and Siren coming into the family - I had my hands full ofwork ! She is not at all timid! She arrived and the first thing shedid was to attach my dogs (2 Irish Wolfhounds and 1 English Bulldog) wehad some very heavy laughs...

Hi Eddie, My husband and I adopted a Yorkshire Terrier from Euro puppy almost a year ago. He is now over one year old and healthy, happy, and handsome! Leopold is my new best friend and he has not caused any problems whatsoever since we adopted him. Leopold's personality is absolutely wonderful: he loves all dogs and all people, especially...

Dear Shane, Thank you for your email, and we are so happy to have Alma in our Life. Here are a few pictures of her, and we had a special cake made for her birthday today. Alma is very sweet and always loves to snuggle in our laps. She enjoys going on hikes every day in the mountain behind where...

Sally Ramos

Ventura, United States

Michele Carol Castaldo

Miasino, Italy

Kathleen J. & Michael P. Dillard

Mons, Belgium


Hong Kong, Hong Kong