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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

MarioHere are some pics of 'Pixie' and Bear hope you can send them to the breeder and let them know she is doing fine and happy in her new home. My Niece Emily was with us this weekend, she is training for the junior Olympics for horse riding. So Pixie got a chance to run around the stables, she seemed...

Hi Shane, Thanks for acknowledging Topfull (Willem’s) birthday! He is growing into a sweet boy 🐾 Attached are some recent pics of Willem

Hello Ed, Yes all Is Well she eats well She is very nice and everyday a little more at home she begins to understand the French words it's a small wonder I like the sofa, !it's too much !!! until the next Photos Bye bye, Dominique, Dommartin Les Toul, France

She’s doing really well and grown up to be perfect . Thank you 

Paul & Adelle Murrer

Pacific Grove, United States

Barry Van den Hoven

Amsterdam , Netherlands

Dominique Chort

Dommartin-lès-Toul, France

Daniel Frame

Swindon, United Kingdom