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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

lulu is great we love her so much she has a great personality here are some pics of our LULU :)

Hi Mario,Me n my brother Vibhav got Kwein from europuppy last year.He seems to have settled well in India .We are sorry we couldn't send u his pics and update you earlier.We have named him VEER (means 'The Brave' in Hindi) .He's doing great and is one of the best things that ever happened to us.Thanks to you again.Here are...

Dear La Sheika & Gabor, It’s been nearly 2 month, since Karma (new name is “Lumi”) arrived Beijing. Everything went well, and this is a very lovely and naughty boy. He is 18.5Kg now, and he is getting alone with people and other puppies very well. I just share some of the pictures of Lumi in Beijing , and maybe...

Hi Steve, As promised I am attatching a few photos of Moon aka Teddy - he is settling brilliantly. Thought the breeder would like to see him now! He is certainly loving the Muscat heat and enjoys the sunshine! Have already told a friend to ask for you she would also like one! Kind regards. Melanie.

Eilene VanWyk

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Vibhav Yadav

Pradesh, India

Ang Li

Beijing , China

Lee Ebbutt

Azaibah, Oman