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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hello! Layla ( Cupid) is doing really well. She is a very happy dog. Intelligent and caring as well. Here are some pictures of my little angel :)

Hi Eddie, Aleta is Home! Things went really quickly at the airport, and that was a relief. She is absolutely beautiful! She has a sweet personality, and is really curious about the tv!:) Kaleb was really surprised to see her, and he has seen many, many other dogs and he acted much more excited about her. He tried to play...

Hello Eddie,I hope that you are very fine.In December we bought the little blue-fawn-frenchie from you.I am very happy with her. She is such a little playful and snuggle-dog,she is everybody's darling.Today I want to send yo a picture.One of Laguna (blue-fawn)Please enjoy the pictures.I will send you some more next time.Helma and the bullygang from GermanyHello Eddie,First - I...

lulu is great we love her so much she has a great personality here are some pics of our LULU :)

Ms. Cristiane Antunes de Sa

Oslo, Norway

Jessica Lorraine Williams

Alma, United States

Helma Rädeker

Goch, Germany

Eilene VanWyk

Dubai, United Arab Emirates