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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Thank you very much for the birthday wishes!! He is doing fantastic! He is an amazing dog and my buddy all day every day being my service dog. We couldn't have asked for a better pup. Thank you so much!

Hi Eddie I hope all is well with you! Just to let you know that Hobo (now Roxy) is settling in very well with us all! Have started some obedience training with her and the trainer is very impressed already. She is a great dog with a lovely temperament and is getting lots of attention when we are out walking!...

Hello Shane, Thank you for the message and for keeping in touch. Piki is now a "big" boy already, more than twice his weight and stronger. He is still adorable with everybody, very lively and playful. He enjoys every minute of his walks. We go out three times a day now. He's been in daycare twice a week since his...

Dear Shane, This is Murphy now, formerly Romeo. He is a wonderful, gentle and loving little dog. He has a great life and loves running around in the forest !!   Kind regards Jan Anderson

Laura Bigley

Vogelweh , Germany

John & Sarra Currie

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Jasna Cerne

Luxembourg, Luxembourg


St-Légier, Switzerland