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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hello again, Just wanted to give an update on my new golden retriever puppy. She arrived at Oslo on Friday at 12.03 PM after a long journey. And what a beauty I received. Very trusting, calm, joyful, loving (great socialized), healthy and in excellent condition. Customs clearance went just fine - very professional paperwork/delivery from Europuppy. On a scale of...

Hi! It is not as early as I said they would come but here are some pics of Buddy. We renamed him Bam Bam and he still is getting used to it. He is such sweet pup and loves to play with his new toy. He has been chasing me and my mom all over the house and garden. When...

Dear Eddie I just wanted to let you know that Diego Ford arrived safe and sound and in good health and spirits. We absolutely love him and he has settled in very quickly and already feels like part of the family. He has a fun personality, but is also quite stubborn. I think he knows already that mummy is going...

Hey Eddie, I couldnt get to the link to fill out the survey but here is a update: Hurley (formerly known as Frodo), is doing amazing! After we picked him up from the Airport he was so friendly and excited. He is so happy here in his new home and is already trained on his pee mat and is fetching...

Bertil Solheim

Arendal , Norway

Monalynn Pringle & Sebastiaan Wolters

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Steven Ford

Doha, Qatar

Kaley Johnson

Valletta, Malta