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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hello Eddie,I'm writing to let you know Anton is doing FANTASTIC!! I have had him for a week now and i'm truly amazed how intelligent/obedient he is. He already knows "come", "sit", "down", "heel" and "shake". He enjoys training a lot but it is also very challenging since Anton is very stubborn, you can't make him do something if he...

Dear Eddie,me and my family want to thank you and your team for our wonderful puppy, Elvis.As you can see by the pictures, we are so happy and proud to have him! We trully love him! Thank you for all your help and congratulations for the extraordinary service you provide.We have already been to the VET and he is a...

Hi Sandor!The video camera is charged and ready for Leo's arrival! I think I am going to have to find a (cheap) digital camera tonight as well. I am about to run out of money!! If Leo is half the puppy we think he is, we would want you to feel free to us as a referral. We could not...

Thank you very much for the birthday wishes!! He is doing fantastic! He is an amazing dog and my buddy all day every day being my service dog. We couldn't have asked for a better pup. Thank you so much!

Minna Tamminen

Helsinki, Finland

Sonia & Kurt Gillig

Porches, Portugal

Janet and Kerry

West Palm Beach, United States

Laura Bigley

Vogelweh , Germany