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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

My name is Tricia Romine,I decided to import a mini bull terrier through Euro Puppy USA in Feb of 2007. I am very glad that I decided to go through them, for when importing any dog there is a language barrier between you and the breeder and Euro Puppy has people who can ask questions to the breeders for you....

Eddie, The boys made it home fine & all is well. Forgot how tiring a puppy can be! He is fitting in perfectly! Thank you, Dawn Gonzalez Encinitas, California CA

Hi Steve, How are you ! Nostalgia is so cutie! we are in love with her. She is very well, has already adapted to the house, she loves to sleep with my daughter, and we are very happy that's she is with us Here some pictures of her. Thank you, Kind Regards, Rosana Becker

Luna celebrating her 1st birthday

Tricia Romine

Monroe, United States

Teresa Dawn & Edward Gonzalez

Los Angeles, United States

Rosana Oliveira Becker

Doha, Qatar

Jewels Leeson

Doha, Qatar