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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Dear Eddie, I wish that you are doing great and enjoying the beginning of this new year. I really miss emailing you ;) Well, I wanted to share with you a few photos of McCoy as he is nearly 8 months. He is extra Hyper and full of power and for sure so handsome. Enjoy the photos dear friend. Until...

Hi! It is not as early as I said they would come but here are some pics of Buddy. We renamed him Bam Bam and he still is getting used to it. He is such sweet pup and loves to play with his new toy. He has been chasing me and my mom all over the house and garden. When...

Hello Eddie,Sorry take so long sending this pics.This pics are taken a few days after he arrived i take also some new pics but they are in my friend camera and he don't have possibility send them yet..We was in dog park Thursday and we saw few "dog friends" there. He is so calm in home but he have this...

I am sending few pictures of Loki. He is doing great and everyone loves loves loves him! Linda Gregg

Ghadah Moubarek H. Al Rashid

Doha, Qatar

Monalynn Pringle & Sebastiaan Wolters

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Marno Hytonen

Nummela, Finland

Linda Gregg

Cedar Park, United States