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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hello!!!! Cana is the happiest dog in Mexico City :) She has a lovely family (mom, dad, sister Moka- a Labrador-) and 3 days ago, her human sister was born! She loves to run (like a rabbit), she is very funny and we love her so much! Happy birthday to our furry baby!

Hello Sandor,I thought you would like to see that Avalon is adjusting just fine.I have a small favor to ask, I know I ask you to keep an eye out for a little girl friend for him, but my husband had not made up his mind if he wanted another one. Well he has made up his mind and if...

Dear Sandor,Here are some updated pictures of our little Kentucky, who we now call frankie. He is a healthy 17 lbs. He is so good, I am so glad we found him through you. I work as a nurse and he loves to visit with my patients. We are even considering making him a therapy dog. He is just so...

Hi Eddie, It is a long time ago, but our Fun (Funny) is doing very well. She is well trained en behaves well. We all love her and she us. She 9 month and healthy. Again thanks to the breeder how did a very good job. Best regards from sunny Qatar. Gort family Doha

Carmen Trueba

Mexico City, Mexico

Tammy L. Quick

Shepherdsville, United States

Mary Constantino

Johnstown, United States

Joyce & Richard Gort

Doha, Qatar