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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Shane We had a little party for Caramel today and made him a cake. He has been so great with our daughter and now with our new son as well. He’s a sweetheart. He’s doing well and is happy and healthy. We absolutely love him.

Dear Eddie, As we are coming up to our 1 month anniversary with our puppy we thought we should let you know that she is doing great. Now called Francesca, 'Franky' for short, she is growing every day and we just about keeping up with her development. She is very clever and sweet and charms everyone she meets. Best regards,...

Dear Eddie White Wonder (now renamed Whiskey by my young son) arrived in very good condition. He didn’t seem stressed by the journey and settled in quickly. He cried for what was left of Friday night, but went to bed without a sound on Saturday and Sunday. He is already good friends with our German Shepherd, is stealing the food...

Hi Sandor!The video camera is charged and ready for Leo's arrival! I think I am going to have to find a (cheap) digital camera tonight as well. I am about to run out of money!! If Leo is half the puppy we think he is, we would want you to feel free to us as a referral. We could not...

Adam Walker

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Elizabeth Brooks

Kuwait, Kuwait

Patrick Gaertner

Cape Town, South Africa

Janet and Kerry

West Palm Beach, United States