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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hello! Jasmin and I wanted to wish you guys merry christmas and happy new year! Here is a few photos of her for you to see. She has grown to be very beautiful, super friendly and loving young dog. We teached her to ”speak” on command. She loooves winter. Hope you enjoy! Thank you again for bringing this blessing into...

Hi there,Just wanted to send you some pictures of Leya our Dogo Argentino, now known as Zoe at her new home! She is everything we expected and more...Thank-you!!!Michael Kavanagh

Hi Sandor, Happy Anniversary! My experience with Euro Puppy has been exceptional. I was somewhat nervous doing something as significant as buying a puppy online, but I had absolutely no issues to mention. Shiba (his breed and his name) is beautiful...a head turner and gets attention anywhere we go with hime. He has been a wonderful addition to our family...

Hi Steve, Yes he is doing great! our 1-1/2yeae old German S. Pointer and him are best friends. They never go anywhere without each other. He is perfect, we love his chill fun personality. Thanks again for making our family bigger. Kaila Cass

Milla Holopainen

Järvenpää, Finland

Michael Kavanagh

Torbay, Canada

Roshelle Jones

Steinwenden, Germany

Kaila Tylene Cass

Roveredo in Pian, Italy