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Thank u Melinda. Shadow is doing great. She’s an absolute angel and we already love her more than she can handle :) Have tagged you on my Instagram posts about her and have also added her pics to your Facebook page. Here are some pics of her in Dubai.

Hello, Yes Yoshi has grown up to be such an amazing little pup with an adorable personality! Khalida

Hi Eddie,I just wanted to let you know that Mini has finally arrived to Doha Qatarand he is doing great! Tomorrow he has an appointment at the vet,we couldn'ttake him today because its weekend here so vet is not opened today.I will send you updated pics for you guys and the breeder plus a vet updatetomorrow. I also want to...

Hello Bullet is happy and healthy. He made his way to Canada and is living with my son, as we had bought Bullet for him and when he moved from Qatar he really missed him. He is much loved. He sleeps with my son every day and has 2 doggy friends. He is missed by my other sons here in...

Atul Shenoy

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Khalida Al-Sulaiman

Jeddah , Saudi Arabia

Amal Abu Nahl & Abdullah Abu Sitta

Doha, Qatar

Karin Al Qaisi

Doha, Qatar