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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hello Eddie & Steve, Season greetings, I have attached pics of my super star puppy Kane. What a brilliant smart boy he turned out to be. Four months old and already a giant! Thanks for giving me a great dog yet again guys.

Good Day Gentlemen,On behalf of my family and me, we would love to thank you very much for your wonderful assistance and getting us these two beautiful creatures all the way in the Cayman Islands.We know that their journey was three days worth of travel, but it was all worth it. They are now with loving families that will care...

Hello Eddie, I would like to inform you that Tank is doing great, he is growing up so fast and is a bundle of joy. Attached is a picture of our big boy! Regards, Ehab

Dear Europuppy and Egypuppy, Lana ( Santa Paws ) is the sleeping beauty and then later taking a bath in the garden at Sokhna. The little rascal is Simba (Bailey). Each and everyone of us just love them. They have brought a lot of joy and happiness to our lives..and a lot of WORK. Love and miss you all Sherifa

Mr. Waheed Mohammed Abdulhamid Khairy

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Meylys Swabi Ramirez

West Bay, Cayman Islands

Ehab Mashat

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Sherifa S.A.

Cairo, Egypt