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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Eddie, Here is wishing you and your loved ones all the very best for 2012 and onwards. I have also attached a long overdue picture of Eris and my family ( taken a month ago ) , Best regards Detlef, Dubai, UAE

Luna celebrating her 1st birthday

GRACIAS EUROPUPPY, GRACIAS MARIO!!!Esta carta es para agradecer el trato recibido por europuppy y especialmente a MARIO.Tras fallecer nuestros 2 rottweiler la tristeza fue tan grande que a los 2 meses decidimos ponernos en contacto con europuppy, allí conocimos a MARIO.MARIO fue nuestro asesor y nos aconsejo que raza de perro era la adecuada para nosotros.Tras decidir que raza quedarnos...

Dear Monika,I can't tell you how pleased I am with Isabella. She did so well after such a long trip, it's amazing. Although she was very tired, she was very accepting of her new family and her new surroundings. Today she is perking up and running around with her new brother, our Black Russian. Isabella is absolutely beautiful and the...


Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Jewels Leeson

Doha, Qatar

Esther Chiva Cervera

Barcelona, Spain

Diane Lerman

Monte Sereno, United States