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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Steve, Here's a picture of Lexi (Duchess). She's settled in amazingly...she has a wonderful temperament - very friendly indeed. She doesn't seem to be fazed by anything - new people/new dogs she meets on walks/new sounds etc. It only took one day of crate training to get her sleeping through the night in her bed. She is absolutely wonderful,...

Eddie, You may not remember us as it has been long but we bought Bam the maltese puppy. I thought some pics would be nice to show you. Just wanted to let you know that he is great. He has had a haircut because it is so hot here and his long show hair was acting as a mop. Hope...

Hi Eddie and Tibor, Wendy now Chanel is very smart and health puppy. She arrived in Doha(Qatar) in last october 26. She was in a very good shape and mood. Thanks to all your staff for the service. Attached some photos. Niandra, Doha, Qatar

Hi All, Just thought I would share this picture of Chaka (Jacques) and would like to thank you for all your help.

Helen Carter

Doha, Qatar

Monalynn Pringle

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Rodrigo Martins Dos Santos

Doha, Qatar

Wenayan AlWenayan

Kuwait, Kuwait