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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Ed, Just a quick hello and to let you know that I received the Certificate of Origin papers last week. Zeus is a very wonderful little fellow who has been very easy to train. He loves to go for long walks but does not like the snow but gives me a hard time when I try to put little boots...

Hello Lasheika, Thank you for your email. Showman is fine and add to our life the happiness, really I can’t describe how we appreciate Euro Puppy. Millions thanks for this gift. I attached some photos for. showman. Best Regards Khalid

Hi Steve, Here are some pictures of Hooch(Dragon) He is an amazing dog, very loving and playful. We are so happy with him. Thank you very much. All the best Profound regards Yousef

Hi Shane!!! Thank you so so much for the birthday wishes. Brenda, now known as Peanut, is the best companion I could ever ask for! Very loyal, loving, playful, and just makes my day 1000x better!! I’ll attach some photos and videos of my baby, enjoy! And please never hesitate to contact me for more updates! Best, Maryam.

Bonnie Paquette

ontario, Canada

Khalid Alotaibi

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Yousef Omer Fittiani

Amman, Jordan

Maryam Alawadhi

Kuwait, Kuwait