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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Dear Eddie,Our french bulldog puppy arrived safe and sound, and despite flight delays, he was still in high spirits upon arrival. He is a sweet, playful little pup, and my two sons fell in love with him at first sight! It is very obvious that this puppy was socialized and treated well before we adopted him. Thank you for helping...

Hi Steve How are you I just wanna send u some of my danes photos Many thanks for making my wishes come true Abdulrahman How are you Eddie? Here are some picture of opal and poison they are 8 and 9 months old and exactly what u described poison is reserved and opal is agile and extremely active

Dear Eddie, I thought I would send you a photo of Clover (now named Oscar) settling into his new home in Dubai. Best regards, Kristen Kristen Angus Associate Abu Dhabi, UAEEddie Just to let you know Kristen has been to the vet with Clover this morning (now called Oscar by the way!). The vet has given him a clean bill...

Thank You for Bo's Birthday wishes. He is being very spoilt today as you can see from the photos. He truly is an absolutely gorgeous pet. He is very loving, very obedient and been easy to train. Bo is very loved by everyone and even has his own instagram account: bo_thecavapoo_ People regularly comment on how gorgeous his coat is...

Ondrea & Brent Willis

Nairobi, Kenya

Abdulrahman Ahmad Helmy

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Kristen & Chris Angus

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Angela Beaton

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates