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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Dear Sandor,I wanted to let you know how pleased I am with the 2 Tri Cavalier King Charles Spaniels I purchased from you.Not only are they absolutely gorgeous but they have the best personalities. Their champion pedigrees are remarkable and I consider myself very lucky to have gotten them. Thank you for your helpfullness and kindness but most of all...

Dear Sandor,Here are some updated pictures of our little Kentucky, who we now call frankie. He is a healthy 17 lbs. He is so good, I am so glad we found him through you. I work as a nurse and he loves to visit with my patients. We are even considering making him a therapy dog. He is just so...

Hi Eddie,I bought a Dogue de Bordeaux puppy last July, if you remember. I just want to know how soon I’m going to get them. I want to show a picture of her, and if you talk to her people, tell them we love her so much and I’m so pleased with my choice. Candy

Hi eddie Paul came already and edwin is so cute :D But rigth now his tired ill send u some pic soon thank you so much eddie :D Paulina, Schweinfurt, Germany

Becky Holleman

Kinston, United States

Mary Constantino

Johnstown, United States

Candy Millam

Curtis, United States

Paulina Arellano

Schweinfurt, Germany