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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Shane, Dred is doing great! He is a very loving and loyal dog. He is very protective of his 2 acre home and roams it freely every day. He gets his exercise by chasing after golf carts along the fence line of our property...he is well known by all the golfers. He is a very smart dog and knocks...

Hi Eddie I hope all is well with you! Just to let you know that Hobo (now Roxy) is settling in very well with us all! Have started some obedience training with her and the trainer is very impressed already. She is a great dog with a lovely temperament and is getting lots of attention when we are out walking!...

Hello Eddie: I just want to give you a quick up-date about Loyale the Coton du Tulear puppy sent end of August, the 24th I think. She is doing very well and I am impressed about how socialized she is. Please thank the breeder as she has a wonderful disposition and we all just love her. Even my husband and...

Hello Eddie, I'll attach a few images for you to pass along to the breeder. I'll also post a few recent images of the new puppy, which we've named Milo. Thanks a ton! Carlo San Francisco

Christy Schultz

Oregon, United States

John & Sarra Currie

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Anita De Dreu

Toronto, Canada

Carlo Mora & Andrew Jason Santiag

San Francisco, United States