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Steve, Eddie, Just to inform you that Nugget has arrived safely yesterday evening. She is at home now and doing great. Some pics from Nugget in Bahrain. She is doing great. Feels at home already. Thanks for your good care and arrangement.

Eddie, I wanted to share a picture of Thor (Rocco) with you. He wears teams jerseys to my daughter's soccer games. He is awesome and we are so happy he is a part of our family. Thank you for all of your help. Sincerely, Tina CrowleyEddie, Here's another picture of Thor (Rocco). He was just at the vet and is...

We love him. He is a very smart loving dog with a great personality. Thanks to Euro Puppy!! Sam Switz

Dear Steve Can't believe our little Chihauhau have only been with us for 2 months. They slotted into our family life, including getting along with the kitten, with no trouble at all. Can't imagine coming home to a more enthusiastic welcome is possible, they just love us all so much. A huge thank-you to all the Europuppy Staff for helping...

Leo Van Beveren

Manama, Bahrain

Tina Crowley

Philadelphia, United States

Sam Switz

Philadelphia , United States

Judith Everson

Amman, Jordan