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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hey Eddie, It's Catherine and Sean. Thanks for the attachment you sent to Catherine's email. Here is some pictures of us and Ali (aka Roscoe). Once again thanks for all the help! Catherine & Sean

Dear Sandor,Here is a little update on Oreo. He is doing very well and is very use to his new home. We have let him smell almost everything. We don't let him get on the furniture or on the tables because we believe dogs are suppose to only be on there furniture. We bought him a bigger crate becacuse the...

Mario, We would like to Thank Mario and Europuppy for all they have done to help us with the purchase of our first Neapolitan Mastiff. We were very skeptical about buying a puppy over the internet, but Mario was very patient and helpful. He answered all of my calls and emails in a timely manner, and was very helpful with...

Hey buddy, its Terry and Smirna Devine from Bosnia. We just wanted to let you know that Frank,(Prince now), that we bought from you, is now a proud father of pups just as of 10 hours ago. Terry D

Catherine Michelle Prestley

Grumolo Delle Abbadess, Italy

Stephanie Maynard

Hanau, Germany

Oscar Camacho and Crystal Dennis

Sevierville, United States

Smirna Pekaric Devine

Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina