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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hello Eddie.Angel becomes more and more nice and sweet. Everybody tells us how much they like her, and how beautifull she is.Angel is growing a lot , she has a little red coat, it is already to small, today I'm gonna by her bigger one, and shes realy mummys girl.My bestLiselotte

Hi Shane, Thank you very much for sending in your wishes! Jax is a lucky boy indeed. We have moved to New Zealand this year and Jax is loving the peaceful environment, open fields to run around and innumerable beaches to play at. It has become a tradition for us to have a fun beach day on his birthday and...

Hi Mario,Me n my brother Vibhav got Kwein from europuppy last year.He seems to have settled well in India .We are sorry we couldn't send u his pics and update you earlier.We have named him VEER (means 'The Brave' in Hindi) .He's doing great and is one of the best things that ever happened to us.Thanks to you again.Here are...

Hey,I was just sending some pictures your way of our baby, Blanche. She is very short and stocky. Everyone loves her and some friends of our have some French, but they don't look nothing like her. Let me know what you think of her. If you have any good looking males send them our way. Can you email the pictures...

Liselotte Berthelsen

Roskilde, Denmark

Yatha Joshi

Wellington, New Zealand

Vibhav Yadav

Pradesh, India

Johni and Brad Adkisson

Choctaw, United States