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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Dear Sandor, Dear Mario,Our puppy has arrived safe and sound today morning. Seemed a bit frightened and quiet but he is adjusting now. I had cleaned his crate out and then put a fresh towel in it for him to sleep in the night. He has had his breakfast already before I left for work and will be having lunch...

Dear EddieHere are 2 photos from Adelina in her first show. She had excellent criticism. We got our first BSB.Best Regards,Valentinos PanagiGood Evening Ed,I have some good news. Adelina got her second B.O.B and B.J.O.B! We are very proud :)The Judge said that she has excellent type, excellent feminine head, strong muzzle, excellent mouth, good expression, good neck, enough body...

Very happy with him. Temperament and everything is spot on. He is so sociable and friendly to other dogs and people. He loves making friends .

Hello Eddie, Steve, and Edina! I just wanted to thank you for all of your help in finding me the perfect companion and making a dream come true! This is just a testimonial on all your combined efforts and a thanks to EuroPuppy. I'm happy to announce that my French Bulldog, now named Toro, is quite happy here! He's been...

Sudeshna J. Daga

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Valentinos Panagi

Nicosia, Cyprus

Paul Grundy

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Fajer Al-Sabah

Kuwait City, Kuwait