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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Dear Sandor,Hi. I bought a Havanese puppy (Enzo now Zeke) from you a year ago. He is doing very, very well and has turned out magnificently. I am attaching a picture of him so you can see for yourself.Take care,Julie

He's here !!!!! Hello Eddie, All well so far . Slept a bit at night in the kennel . Now full of beans and exploring the house . Trip to the vet at noon . We all love him already ! Thanks . Will keep you posted . Regards Rajat, Dubai, UAE

Hi Lasheika, Thanks for the celebration! Pochi has brought my family so much joy! He bonds with us so well and I never regretted having him in my family.

Hi Eddie!I know that my husband and I told you that we didn't want to get the papers on him. We've changed our minds. He's show material we believe (and so does a lot of other people!) as a matter of fact, we took him to Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany just a few days ago and everyone wanted his picture....

Julie Pollock

Acworth, United States

Rajat & Phani Prabha Kumar

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Jeremy Huang

Bellevue , United States

Amber Dawn Farrell

Hanau, Germany