Golden Retriever en venta

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hello Sandor, Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how much I appreciate you sending us this wonderful Golden Retriever. "Montgomery" is his call name. He has adjusted to life here in the states wonderfully. He has caught the eye of many folks in our area, all saying what a beautiful pup he is. Thought I'd...

Hi Eddie Sorry i havent wrote to you before. I received Brinkley in good health, took him to the vet and everything was perfect. I want to thank you once again for sending Brinkley. With brinkley and Mattie now it is too much fun. I am enjoying every moment with them and thanks to you and the europuppy team. I...

Dear Steve, Just to give you an update. Bella (Gamma) has settled in very well and she is such a lovely dog. The whole family enjoys having her around and she even became friends with our cat. This morning we took her to the beach. I will attach a photo of her. Regards, Annette

Relaxing in her new home and sleeping on our bed / sofa :))) We love him!

Jan Renee Grasso

Washington D.C., United States

Nisrine Karazi

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Annette Carstanjen

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

John Anthony Maw

Doha, Qatar

Acerca de Golden Retriever Raza

The Golden Retriever is a beautiful, powerful, sturdy, well-balanced, well-proportioned dog with a feathered, medium-length, cream to golden-colored coat. It is loyal, sweet, and eager to please. This dog is gentle with children; it enjoys the endless attention children provide.

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