Standard Schnauzer Breed

A bushy bearded, bright eyed, German guard dog

Standard Schnauzer Puppies for Sale

Standard Schnauzer Breed Description

Life Expectancy
12-15 years
Learning Rate
Litter Size
4 to 9
Dogs: 30-45 pounds
Bitches: 30-40 pounds
Dogs: 18-20 inches
Bitches: 17-19 inches
Country of Origin
AKC Working Dogs
FCI Group II.: Pinscher and Schnauzer- Molossoid Breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs
TKC Utility
Other Names
Standard Schnauzer

The Standard Schnauzer is in the middle of the Schnauzer family with the Giant Schnauzer being larger and the Miniature Schnauzer smaller. The Standard Schnauzer is a medium-sized, rugged, robust dog with bushy eyebrows, whiskers and a beard. They have a long and rectangular head, with a strong muzzle and a pronounced stop. The feet are small and cat-like, with arched toes. This breed has a harsh, wiry outer coat and dense, soft undercoat. The coat comes in salt & pepper or solid black.

Standard Schnauzer dog

They are attractive, intelligent and playful dogs. They make good companions and are generally good with children. About ears, they are usually cropped in the US, but in Britain, it is illegal.


Standard Schnauzer dog

The Standard Schnauzer is high-spirited, affectionate dog. This is a fearless and protective dog. He/she makes a great watch and guard dog. They are clever, intelligent, demanding, and playful, have a high learning rate. These energetic dogs are lively, need energetic and dominant owner who has the the ability clearly demonstrate that they are the boss and not the dog.

Standard Schnauzer dog

They need companionship and are good dogs to travel with. They should be socialized well when they are young to prevent over-protectiveness later in life. This breed does best with older considerate children.


Standard Schnauzer colors

Pepper and salt, solid black and black and silver.


Standard Schnauzer coat

They have a harsh and wiry coat, with a soft undercoat. The wiry coat is reasonably easy to care, but the undercoat is dense and it will become matted unless it is combed or brushed daily with a short wire brush. They should be clipped all over to an even length twice a year – in spring and fall. They have no doggie odor and shed little to no hair.

Health Issuess

Health Issues

This is generally a very healthy breed. Prone to genetic eye diseases which must be monitored by your local vet. To minimize the risk of your dog developing any hereditary health issues, you should buy a Schnauzer dog from a reputable Schnauzer breeder.

Living Environment

The Standard Schnauzer will do fine in an apartment since it is active even indoors. This breed, being naturally active, will need at least a long brisk daily walk. This dog is highly energetic and therefore should be given activities that would release such energy and enthusiastic spirit.

Living environment

If you are looking for Standard Schnauzer for sale, you've come to the perfect place! Our team of experts is here to help you choose a puppy that suits your lifestyle and meets your expectations. Our Standard Schnauzer puppies are carefully selected and are bred by reputable breeders, who live up to our high standards.

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