All the Facts about Hypoallergenic Puppies for Sale

All the Facts about Hypoallergenic Puppies for Sale

If you are a dog lover, and don’t have any allergies to our furry friends then you are lucky! But sadly there are many people out there who love dogs, but are allergic to them too! They have had to choose between suffering with ill health, or suffering with having no dog in their life!

According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, up to 30% of Americans alone are allergic to their furry pets!

Well not any more!

At EuroPuppy in recent years we have seen more and more people asking whether we have hypoallergenic dogs for sale or non shedding puppies for sale! In fact our number one breed in 2021 is reputed to be a perfect dog for allergy sufferers – the Cavapoo.

However, along with this burst in interest in hypoallergenic dogs, a lot of confusion is occurring. We want to help you understand everything about allergies, dog shedding, and hypoallergenic dogs. Then you can be sure to have all the right facts, so you can choose the right breed.

Have an allergy? Then find the perfect hypoallergenic dog…

What causes allergies to dogs?

Simple right! Everyone knows that dog hair causes allergies to our furry friends! So logically the dog breeds that shed the most are the worst for those allergic.

Not so fast! It isn’t that simple. While dog shedding is of course connected to allergies, it is not the hair itself that is the problem.

The allergens that can cause nasty reactions actually come from a protein that is inside dog saliva and skin dander! The dander is the biggest culprit.

What is dander you may ask? Dander is almost like dandruff. It is dry skin cells that flake off dog skin, often not easily visible to the human eye.

All dogs have dander, whether heavy shedding or not. These flakes come off more frequently on dogs that shed more, and will spread them about more. Including up your nose! Crucially hypoallergenic breeds will spread less hair and produce less dander. For people who suffer from allergies this is crucial

What are the symptoms of having an allergy to dogs?

Symptoms of pet allergies can be very similar to other allergies, such as dust, pollen and food. So be certain that yours are being caused by our canine friends.

An allergy to dogs causes inflammation of the nasal passages, and in extreme cases the throat too.

Typical symptoms when around dogs, for a short or prolonged period include…

  • Itchy eyes, nose and throat
  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Cough
  • Facial Pressure
  • Facial swelling

As this list might suggest, it is not pleasant. So it is no wonder that the hunt for hypoallergenic hounds is huge!

What does a ‘hypoallergenic puppy’ mean?

Hypoallergenic puppy

Hypoallergenic literally means something that is unlikely too, or will not, cause allergic reactions.

This term has been twisted and molded by breeders, ‘online experts’ and others. This has led to the belief that a hypoallergenic dog does not cause any allergic reactions, and does not shed at all.

Let’s say it loud and clear! There is no dog breed that exists that does not shed any hair, or that cannot cause some allergies. As we said before, all dogs have dander. Even a practically bald Chinese Crested will drop a few hairs, and dander too.

So if you are allergic to pets, there is likely no breed that will rid you of your symptoms 100%. Sorry about that!

Hypoallergenic dogs do not really exist in the literal, scientific sense. If you take ‘hypoallergenic’ to mean dog breeds that are low in shedding and release less pet dander, then yes, they are out there. Happy days!

When we use the word ‘hypoallergenic’ from now on, we mean low shedding, not non-shedding. And we mean lower in allergens, not allergen free!

Are all low shedding breeds lower in allergens?

For the most part less, but sadly not always.

This is especially true with larger low shedding breeds. They have a bigger body, so more skin cells fall off, with or without being spread by hairs!However curlier haired breeds like the Poodle are famed for being low shedding, and having the dander spread about less. So there is absolutely a strong connection between less shedding and more hypoallergenic.

Purebred hypoallergenic dog breeds

non shedding poodles

Now you know the facts, it’s time to look at some actual low shedding and hypoallergenic breeds…

Large Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

Portuguese Water Dog

Portuguese Water Dog



Standard Poodle

Standard Poodle low shedding

Giant Schnauzer

Giant Schnauzer

Bouvier de Flanders

Bouvier de Flanders



Medium Sized Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds



Miniature Poodle

hypoallergenic Miniature Poodle

Wire Fox Terrier

Wire Fox Terrier

Tibetan Terrier

Tibetan Terrier

Standard Schnauzer

Standard Schnauzer

Irish Terrier

Irish Terrier

Small Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzer hypoallergenic

Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu

Toy Poodle

Toy Poodle hypoallergenic

West Highland Terrier

West Highland Terrier


Bolognese low shedder





Without a doubt small hypoallergenic puppies for sale are the most popular on EuroPuppy and elsewhere. Not only because smaller dogs are easier to keep, to care for, and to travel with, but also because smaller dogs naturally have less hair and less dander than big dogs. So less allergens!

This is not an exhaustive list, and there could be others out there. Alternatively some people may disagree with some of these choices. But these breeds above are generally widely considered to be more suitable choices for those with allergies, or those who just hate seeing hair everywhere!

The designer hypoallergenic puppies for sale boom

Cavapoo hypoallergenic

Ten years ago only a few people had even heard of hypoallergenic dogs. But now it is a booming industry!

For many dog lovers, low shedding purebred dogs just didn’t cut it. They wanted a dog that would stop almost all allergies, and barely shed at all. To meet this demand, professional dog breeders have been combining breeds specially to make the most hypoallergenic, low shedding dog breeds possible.

This is what many are calling the designer dog boom.

Not all crosses are well thought out. However most of these ‘designer hypoallergenic mix breeds’, are also crossed to produce the best temperaments and the healthiest dogs. And yes they are proving to be very good choices for the allergy prone.

Every hypoallergenic mix breed, also called as designer dogs for sale on EuroPuppy, like the ones below, are very strong, healthy crosses!

Without doubt a Poodle mix is the most popular, as the Poodle is already a low shedding breed. These hypoallergenic Poodle combinations include…

The Cavapoo – Crossed with a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


The Maltipoo – Crossed with a Maltese


Labradoodle – Crossed with a Labrador

Labradoodle non shedder

Goldendoodle – Crossed with a Golden Retriever


Cockapoo – Crossed with a Cocker Spaniel


Pomeranian mixes like the Maltipom and the Cavapom are also famed for their hypoallergenic qualities.

While these breeds are some of the most popular choices, they barely scratch the surface of these modern cross breeds!

How to choose the best hypoallergenic dog for me?

You have to think where you are going to find available puppies? Hypoallergenic dogs for adoption are not so common. Pure breeds like the West Highland White Terrier, Coton de Tulear or other small dogs are less likely to need homes. So to find the perfect puppy for your new best friend, you often have to look to a breeder.

You also have to consider breed temperament! This is the most important thing. Every puppy from every breed can be different Do you want an affectionate dog, a playful dog, or a gentle pup may be the perfect choice. There is also size, exercise levels, trainability and care needs to consider. Dogs that shed less often need more grooming too.

If you live in an apartment, then a smaller hypoallergenic breed is better for you. Say a mixed breed like a Cavapoo or Malitpom. They also have only moderate exercise needs. Or a Miniature Schnauzer could be considered if you are more active.

If you want a low shedding breed to go hiking with then a Labradoodle or Goldendoodle would be ideal choices.

In terms of temperament virtually all the crossbreeds have been combined to ensure good, loving natures, and all make great family dogs. But smaller breeds would be better when young children are in the home.

For loyalty you couldn’t do better than a Portuguese Water Dog!

Portuguese Water Dogs are very loving, independent and intelligent dogs. They love attention while being glued to their master’s side. Although they get along with other animals, they will usually only really bond with one family member. This breed makes an excellent guard dog as well due to its determination to defend its territory.

Black is the most common color found in Portuguese Water Dogs, but Sliver tipped, black and white, or brown can also be seen. “Parti” colored ones are rare but they are becoming more popular in the US nowadays. White ones are still rare and interestingly enough the white hair is finer than the black hair.

Two coat types can be found. A wavy coat falls gently in waves while a curly coat has tighter curls. The hair is usually worn in a “lion cut”, whereby the hindquarters, muzzle, and the base of the tail are shaved and the rest of the body is left full length.

For grooming, read on to the next section, as all hypoallergenic breeds need a fair bit of focus on their home care…

How to care for a hypoallergenic dog in your home

Like any dog breed, a hypoallergenic dog needs care to keep their coat and skin happy and healthy. However it is even more important if you want to keep your allergies further at bay.

Regular washing, grooming, and often clipping and cutting is needed. These are all especially important for those with allergies.

Regular brushing will keep your dog’s coat healthy, and take away those dander particles trapped on hair. Frequent, but not over frequent, bathing keeps the coat and skin happy, and washes away those dander particles.

Many breeds like the Poodle often need a professional groomer to cut or clip their hair, so be aware of that.

And finally there is no bigger friend to the allergy prone than the hoover! The more you vacuum up those dog hairs, the less those symptoms will affect you!


There are a lot of people struggling with dog allergies, so it is only proper that in recent years the availability of hypoallergenic dogs have grown. Along with that the number of low shedding cross breeds has exploded too.

As long as you start your search for a hypoallergenic puppy with the knowledge that not every symptom of your allergy will vanish completely you could be heading for a happy life with your hypoallergenic puppy.

Start your search for your dream puppy today.