Cavapoo Breed

Cavapoo Breed

Cavapoo Breed Description


Life Expectancy

12-16 years


Learning Rate



Litter Size

4 to 10






Dogs: 9-25 pounds
Bitches: 9-25 pounds



Dogs: 9-14 inches
Bitches: 9-14 inches


Country of Origin

Australia, mixed breed




Other Names

Cavadoodle, Cavoodle

Cavapoo dog

The Cavapoo, otherwise known as the Cavadoodle, or even Cavoodle, is one of the most popular of the modern cross breeds. They are all unusual sounding names right? Well it is due to the two breeds that make a Cavapoo. They are a combination of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and the Miniature or Toy Poodle.


Cavapoo History

It is likely that there have been many examples of ‘accidental’ breeding of Cavalier and Poodles down the decades. In Australia a few breeders began to breed Cavapoos as far back as the 1950’s.

But breeders only began to intentionally create Cavapoos widespread in the 1990’s, in Australia. Their main aim was to combine the happy, friendly nature of the Cavalier, with the intelligence of the Poodle.

Cavapoo Size and Shape

Most Cavapoos are classed as small dogs, but due to variation, as they are a mixed breed, some do just reach medium size. Though size varies they tend to be around 18- 20 pounds when fully grown, and 12-14 inches in height.

Toy Cavapoos, from a Toy Poodle parent, usually weigh between 8 and 14 pounds fully grown, and are 9 to 12 inches in height.

The Cavapoo has a compact, delicate body, and a round face with long, floppy ears. They have round eyes, and a short snout  They appear puppy-like even into their adult years.

Cavapoo dog


Cavapoo dog

The question… ‘What is a Cavapoo?’

The answer ‘The perfect family dog!’

In fact the Cavapoo was first bred for good temperament. They are friendly, playful, happy, sweet and bouncy. They are also just as well suited to a one person home as they are to a family home.

Some Cavapoos are calmer, and prefer to snuggle on your lap, and just play a little. Others are bouncier, and even silly, and like to chase and play. But all are very human-centric and warm-natured.

They are very intelligent and have the desire to please, which makes them very easy to train. The Cavapoo has moderate energy levels. A little play and a couple of moderate walks a day would be enough to satisfy most Cavapoos.

This is an affectionate breed, bonding loyally to their owners, and is great with kids. They are also a good choice for a first time dog owner.

Cavapoo dog


Cavapoo colors

Colors are wide-ranging, and dependent on the sire and dam. Both the Cavalier and Poodle come in many different colors, and a Cavapoo can be any mixture or shade of these colors.

The most common Cavapoo colors are red, chestnut and white (Blenheim), apricot, or gold. Even with red, apricot or gold Cavapoos there are often little splashes of other colors, such as cream, usually around the belly.

Rarer colors include solid black, solid white, black and white, and chocolate. Blue merle is extremely rare.

Coat color tends to fade a little as a Cavapoo gets older.


Cavapoo coat

Their coat is one of the highlights of the breed, and is soft textured and usually wavy or curly. It can vary in length and recently pups have been bred to have a shorter coat.

Whatever their coat type, it is always very low shedding, making them a practically hypoallergenic breed. This is a very good breed for allergy sufferers!

Their coat requires only a minimal amount of grooming. Hair cutting is not necessary, but a light trim from a groomer every few months is often recommended.


Health Issues

The Cavapoo is generally a very healthy cross breed. There is a small chance of heart issues with this breed. Breeders have been succeeding in reducing PRA within Cavapoo bloodlines. To maximize the chance of getting a healthy dog, you should buy a Cavapoo puppy from a reputable breeder.

Living Environment

Living Environment

This is an easily adaptable breed, suitable to just about any environment. They are grand in a home with a garden to play in. The Cavapoo would also be comfortable in apartment, as long as they had toys and lots of play.

If you are looking for Cavapoo for sale, you’ve come to the perfect place! Our team of experts is here to help you choose a puppy that suits your lifestyle and meets your expectations. Our Cavapoo puppies are carefully selected and are bred by reputable breeders, who live up to our high standards.

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