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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Dear Eddie, It just to confirm to you last Friday evening the puppy was delivered very well. That same day it passed a veterinary recognition and it was perfectly. Enclosed you have some pictures taken last Saturday. Thank you very much. Best regards Pedro

Hey Eddie,We received her yesterday night and we have decided to call her Alice...just got back from the vets about an hour a go, she is good and healthy...if there is anything else you need from us just let us know....thank you for all of your help and happy holidays.Thanks,Shawna and Lance

Dear Sandor,Bacchus continues to do really, really well! He is such a loveable and delightful puppy! We adore him and can't thank you and his breeder enough for him...he is precious! He is on the move so much that I really can't capture his personality in pictures because he is so active! I have to wait until he is ready...

Hi Sandor, I hope you have been well and Happy New Year! I would like to express my huge thank you and feedback for the amazing services we have been provided by Gabor and Georgina! We purchased Jeremy and Gabor was very good at listening what I want and matching my requirements to the right puppy in terms of personality...

Pedro Rovira Viñas

Madrid, Spain

Shawna Wonch

Wiesbaden, Germany

Lisa Sutphen

Baldwinsville, United States


Stallikon, Switzerland