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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Eddie He's finally home! Taking him to the vet soon Muneera

Hi Shane, Another year already!! Jeez where does the time go?! Kelvin is happy and healthy I’m pleased to report. And the best COVID-19 lock down friend anyone could ever ask for. We enjoyed his birthday by going to the beach and nap time with his unicorn pyjamas! We are very happy together, in love and the best adventure buddies...

Hello, Truman and Casey are doing amazing. They are now 2 years old and the biggest cuddle buddies.. especially with each other. Truman now weighs 65 lbs and stands 30 inches tall. He loves Daddy and Mommy, his sister Malina (kitten) and jumping on everything. OH! And of course his brother. His favorite treats are blueberries and Duck. He loves...

Eddie,The pup has arrived in good spirits this morning after his long trip. As soon as we got him home he was bouncing around as if he didn't have a care in the world and hasn't stopped since!!He's a lovely pup and I'd like to thank you and your staff for making the process so easy...and would recommend you to...

Muneera Alkhalifa

Manama, Bahrain

Lucy Casey

Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Wiesbaden , Germany

Joseph Beattie

Doha, Qatar