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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Ed, Ubul just arrived I'll send photos ASAP. Thank you veryyyyyyyy much!!!!! I'm so in love! Best Regards, Najla Al-Essa, KuwaitDear Eddie, Since Ubul's arrival on Saturday night, I haven't really gotten the chance to sincerely thank you for the extremely smooth, honest and very professional relationship I had with you. When I first heard dog barks at the Cargo...

Hello Eddie,Just wanted to send you a few pictures to let you know how the little one is doing! He has been wonderful! :) Have a great weekend.HeatherGermany

Here is a recent picture of the beauty queen. Thanks for all your help Eddie. Patricia.

Dear Lasheka, Ciril (who we renamed Marko) has been an exceptional dog. He is very calm and good to people. He has never bitten anyone and he never barks for no reason. He enjoys the beach because the sand excites him and he likes the sun. Marko is charismatic in everything he does. He did turn six on the 9th...

Najla Sabeeh Aleisa

Kuwait, Kuwait

Heather Patrick

Dudeldorf, Germany

Patricia Simoes Beal

Baumholder, Germany

Martin Fitzgerald

Doha, Qatar