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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Eddie,I just wanted to pass along some photos of Leopold and Princess and tell how much of joy they have brought us. People ask us where we got these two wonderful puppies and of course we them Euro Puppy! We received a GREAT service.Leopold is a great boy as he puts up with Princess a lot, she takes his...

Dear Eddie, As we are coming up to our 1 month anniversary with our puppy we thought we should let you know that she is doing great. Now called Francesca, 'Franky' for short, she is growing every day and we just about keeping up with her development. She is very clever and sweet and charms everyone she meets. Best regards,...

Dear Shayne Thank you so much! He’s a lovely boy with a super strong personality And attitude, not much an easy friendly with strangers but very protective 😉, he’s a happy puppy loves to play around with the kids, as per his Cotton de rulers look honestly we are not able to keep up with the fur because he constantly...

Thank u Melinda. Shadow is doing great. She’s an absolute angel and we already love her more than she can handle :) Have tagged you on my Instagram posts about her and have also added her pics to your Facebook page. Here are some pics of her in Dubai.

Naveed I. Butt

Stafford, United States

Elizabeth Brooks

Kuwait, Kuwait


Kuwait, Kuwait

Atul Shenoy

Dubai, United Arab Emirates