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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Rui is doing fine. We got a dog trainer for him and he listens perfectly oncommand now. Here go a few pictures I don't have any real full body picturesof him but I will take some and send them to you tomorrow. He is VERY lovingtowards us, and is becoming a very good guard dog! And is also becoming VERYsmart...

Hi Shane, Gascon, who we renamed "Woody" is really well. He spends the winter days sleeping in front of the fire. Here's a photo of him helping me to open my birthday cards and presents a few days ago. Best regards Kim

Thank you so much for bringing this joy to us. We decided to call her Whiskey 😀 finally. And we must say she is a bundle of joy . We enjoy each and every single moment with her. She is an adorable cutie pie with full of life. Attached here are some images of hers and surely will send you...

Hi Steve!! Daryl and I meant to do this sooner but we kept forgetting to...here are some pictures of Hadouken. We saw on the side "references" of people's comments of your guys service and we were hoping to be a part of that because we have lots of good things to say!! Also, we are so happy with Hadouken we...

Antonio Woodard

Schweinfurt, Germany

Kimmie Walker

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Jofil Thekkekara

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Dania Bonjoc

New York, United States